Under 65 Health Insurance

We offer a variety of solutions for certain individuals & families looking for Core Health Coverage, who don’t want to pay high deductibles and crazy Max Out of Pocket expenses for services they don’t even use and are limited to a regional network and have to re/enroll every single year. Most of the core health plans we offer are medically underwritten and may have a waiting period for pre-existing conditions and some don’t cover maternity or serious mental health issues, but if you do qualify, the choices you will have, a lot of times, are less expensive and provide more value than the ACA Marketplace plans.

These plans can include a lot of the same benefits of the Marketplace Plans (with certain limitations as some were already mentioned), but will offer an Affordable PPO network with still robust benefits that you can select according to your particular situation and you can enroll in these plans anytime of the year with guaranteed renewals no matter what may happen to you after you’re in. Once you’re in and as long as you keep paying your premiums, you’re set until you turn 65, then Medicare takes over.

We are capable of building a plan that solves your problems without having to be tied to more expensive and restrictive options on the Marketplace.

We have various levels of Affordable PPO Core Health Plans that operate much like corporate group plans because you are now in a network of millions of other individuals, entrepreneurs and small business owners and all their families just like you which help reduce the cost of insurance for everyone. Depending on your wants, needs, goals and budget we also recommend insulating your core plan with an Accident, Critical Illness and/or Disability policy so you will be completely protected from medical events. We also think everyone can benefit from a Dental Plan & if there is a need Vision & Hearing plans are available as well.

Also, for those who may be in between jobs and only need Short Term Medical Coverage, we have excellent options for you as well.

If you’re not a Big User of the Medical System but want to be protected from Catastrophic Events so you’re not hit with a bill that will send you to collections and bankrupt you, we have affordable options for you as well.

With these various products you can pick and chose à la carte style and craft your own health plan exactly the way you want so you’re protected in the ways that matter to you.

How We Can Help

Whatever your situation, it’s best to have some type of coverage when you need it so you don’t experience any bankruptcy type medical bills. We work directly with health insurance companies so we can help you compare and enroll in coverage—at no additional cost to you. You pay only for the coverage you choose which is determined by the insurance carriers.

Contact Us for a Free Consultation!

States We Currently Serve:

Washington, Arizona, Texas, Oklahoma, Michigan, Ohio, Tennessee, South Carolina, Florida